
6th Grade Outdoor Education Experience

Dear BMS 6th Graders and parents,

Barone Middle School 6th graders are in for a great experience! Through much work
and some very generous sponsors, every 6th grader will get to participate in an outdoor
education program this year.

Snow Mountain Ranch, YMCA of the Rockies, in Granby CO is our destination. The
trip is slated for August 28th, - August 31st, 2023. We will depart from the school on
Monday morning and return on Thursday afternoon in time to catch the bus home. We
will be staying in a dorm/hotel.

The immediate purpose of the trip is to incorporate experiential learning with the 21st
Century Skills that the Colorado State Standards are based upon. Critical thinking and
reasoning, information literacy, collaboration, self-direction and invention are all
incorporated into outdoor education with the YMCA. The academic experiences range
from life science, history, reading and writing with many options to choose from.
Leadership and outdoor education are included for a well-rounded education.
The expected long-term outcome is to reinforce a cohort of learners that support and
learn with and from each other; inspiring each other as fearless learners of life.
Students will bond and develop leadership skills at the beginning of their middle school
experience, improving behaviors and reinforcing the Barone Middle School moto:
“Respect and responsibility to all, from all.”

Please join us for an informational meeting during 6th grade orientation on
August 15th 5:30 - 7:00 pm.

We are very excited to be bringing this opportunity to our students.

Thank you,
Barone Middle School 878-9060
Mr. Theos ext 225
Mrs. Bullen ext 232
Ms. Feola ext 228
Mrs. Patrick ext 235
Mrs. Johnston ext 202