9 months ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
9 months ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
9 months ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
Parents, Students, and Community Members: If you have not done so already, please take a few minutes to fill out the Meeker School District survey that is asking for community feedback on our performance as a school district. The survey can be accessed with the QR code below or at this link:
10 months ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
The Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin System pictured below was found at Starbuck Stadium on Thursday. It does not belong to a Meeker School District student. Please contact JoLyn Dolan at 970-878-9050 if you have misplaced this device.
11 months ago, Meeker School District RE-1
The Meeker School District is asking for community feedback on our performance as a school district. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey found with the QR code below or at this link:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7KJ8CVM 11 months ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
11 months ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
I am proud to be a Meeker Cowboy! The administration staff at our school district is sharing with middle school and elementary school students our expectations for appropriate behavior at extracurricular activities. We also ask that community members click on the link below to read a letter that outlines these expectations for both students and community members at Meeker Cowboy events:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/14IsmAfkoyNjKXQcWqbk0plZyuUm55K4Z/view?usp=sharing about 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
Individual Meeker High School Student class schedules for the 2023-2024 school year are now available on Infinite Campus.
* Please login to Infinite Campus to view your / your student's schedule
* If you need access to Infinite Campus, please email
Students interested in schedule changes are encouraged to:
1. Review the 2023-2024 Master Course Schedule.
2. Have proposed class schedule changes in mind BEFORE contacting the School Counseling Office. (Meeker High School Course Descriptions can by found in the MHS Online Course Catalog)
3. Email all requested schedule changes to:
***The MHS Counseling Office will be closed July 11 - August 7, however emails will be monitored regularly and responses made within a timely manner.
In order to have a strong start to the 2023-2024 school year, please try and have all schedule changes completed prior to August 15, 2023.
Below are a few additional notes:
**Each student's schedule currently meets their specific educational needs as well as MHS graduation requirements. Schedules were specifically created based on the course registration information provided to the school counseling office at the end of the 23 school year.
**As always, schedule conflicts were unavoidable. Please know that these conflicts were not intentional; all efforts were made to ensure that each student received as many elective choices as possible.
**Please review the 2023-2024 Master Schedule PRIOR to requesting changes. The Master Schedule is attached below and can also be found on the MHS Counseling & Career Center Webpage.
about 1 year ago, Trina kennedy
Registration for preschool programs in Colorado is changing for the 2023-2024 school year. Families with children who will be four years old by July 1, 2023 are encouraged to register for Universal Preschool at upk.colorado.gov by May 11, 2023. Meeker Elementary School will hold a follow up event in early August to share specifics about our preschool program. For more information on Colorado's preschool registration system, please click on this link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eEeEXqL7oav2pWK9JUjaWK9iwyK5hBph/view?usp=sharing over 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
Meeker School District RE-1 is currently advertising for the following teacher vacancies: HS Science, MS/HS Band, ES Special Education, and four (4) ES Classroom Teachers. Community members interested in teaching and currently possess a bachelor's or higher degree can earn a teaching endorsement through an alternative licensure program. Please click on the link below for additional information:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MOMal5T0tMj3_UISOj6PUI7793pe3Jmv/view?usp=share_link over 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
over 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
over 1 year ago, Trina kennedy
School has been cancelled today, January 18, for the Meeker School District. Heavy snow, wind, and road conditions have created unsafe travel conditions throughout the county.
over 1 year ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent
Meeker School District Community: Please click on the video link below that provides factual information regarding the Meeker School District's social/emotional learning curriculum. Please feel free to share this factual information as you see fit. Thank you!
https://www.loom.com/share/850a699a184047f59e6ee42d45466586 about 2 years ago, Chris Selle - Superintendent